luni, 12 iunie 2017

Facem sapun III & IV

Facem sapun III (20mai2017)  
Primul atelier de facut sapun pe acest an continua seria atelierelor din trecut, cu aceeasi sursa de materie prima : de la Uleiosul, insa cu forme de turnat noi, arome si idei noi.
In urma atelierului veti dobandi bazele producerii de sapun, si veti putea face propriul sapun, in casa, din grasimile stranse in urma gatitului, care ne-reciclate ar polua mediul. Pentru cine nu stie, Uleiosul colecteaza gratuit ulei alimentar uzat (minim4L), numai pe bicicleta, aducand astfel un aport important la reducerea poluarii apei si a planetei.
Bonus: la sfarsitul atelierului veti putea pleca acasa si cu sapun facut cu propriile maini.
Participare pe baza de donatie.

Let's make soap III
The first soap making workshop in this year continues the past editions, with the same source of oil: Uleiosul, still we'll have new moulds and ideas.
After the workshop you'll acquire the soap making basis, and you'll be able to make your own homemade soap, from the used oils, which otherwise, not recycled, would harm the environment.
For those who don't know, Uleiosul is collecting free of charge, used household oils (minimum 4L), only by bike, though giving a fair amount of protection to our waters and planet.
Bonus: at the end of the workshop you'll take home your own soap bar.
Donations recomended.
Cum a fost (credit foto Andrei Botezan):


Facem sapun IV (10iunie2017)
 Ultimul atelier de facut sapun din grasime reciclata, terminam stocul :-)
In urma atelierului veti dobandi bazele producerii de sapun, si veti putea face propriul sapun, in casa, din grasimile stranse in urma gatitului, care ne-reciclate ar polua mediul. Pentru cine nu stie, Uleiosul colecteaza gratuit ulei alimentar uzat (minim4L), numai pe bicicleta, aducand astfel un aport important la reducerea poluarii apei si a planetei.
Bonus: la sfarsitul atelierului veti putea pleca acasa si cu sapun facut cu propriile maini.
Participare pe baza de donatie.


Let's make soap III
The last recycled lard soap making workshop, we will finish the stock from Uleiosul.
After the workshop you'll acquire the soap making basis, and you'll be able to make your own homemade soap, from the used oils, which otherwise, not recycled, would harm the environment.
For those who don't know, Uleiosul is collecting free of charge, used household oils (minimum 4L), only by bike, though giving a fair amount of protection to our waters and planet.
Bonus: at the end of the workshop you'll take home your own soap bar.
Donations recomended.

Cum a fost:

Am folosit un calculator online si de data aceasta am adaugat ulei de ricin pentru a crea un sapun ce face mai multa spuma
Desi am pus cateva sticlute serioase de esente, sapunul miroase foarte diafan. Si arata extraordinar!
In timp ce mamicile pregatesc sapunul, copiii se joaca in voie dezvoltandu-si abilitatile si conectandu-se cu natura...
sau se relaxeaza la umbra dudului :-)

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