marți, 23 septembrie 2014

toamna in Siriului

recolta de toamna: prunisoarele galbene si rosiile cherry despre care vorbeam putin mai devreme
Golden plums heirloom tomatoes and cherry tomatoes crop from a post before
Pregatiri pentru iarna: am facut magiun de prune fara zahar(foto) , zacusca, si sapun de casa
winter preparations: made plum jam with no sugar(photo), zacusca, and homemade soap.

pe cand scoteam ultimii cartofi si pregateam stratul pentru iarna (adaugand cenusa in solul proaspat sapat) ne-am intalnit cu o minunata calugarita
during harvesting potatoes and soil preparation for the winter(adding wood ash into the soil) we bumped into a wonderful Mantis religiosa

newcomers 2014

un agris(ribes uva-crispa)
un cocaz negru(ribes nigrum)
Cires Germersdorf in primul an de rod(al3-lea de la plantare)
Germersdorf cherry tree first year to make cherries (3rd year from planting)
Rosii prunisoare galbene si rosii cherry luate de pe seminte libere
Goden plums heirloom tomatoes and cherry tomatoes from free seeds group
Bob(Vicia faba), ruda cu fasolea care fixeaza in pamant azotul din aer.
Vicia faba,  good for fixing the nitrogen from air into the soil
In loc de gard, un rand de zmeuri.
Instead of fence, a row of Rubus idaeus
Keyhole garden facut de niste voluntari minunati si topinambur
Keyhole garden made by some wonderfull volunteers and topinambours(Helianthus tuberosus)
Smochin, plantat langa garaj dupa principiul lui Sepp Holzer:pentru ca piatra/betonul inmagazineaza caldura este recomandat a planta alaturi specii iubitoare de caldura
A fig tree planted near the garage after Sepp Holzer's advice: because stone storage sun's heat it's recomended to plant nearby warmth loving species
Si doi goji, care pana in prezent s-au dovedit foarte rezistenti la invazia de pir din gradina
And two Lycium barbarum wich proved pretty resistant to the couch grass invasion of the garden.


La inceputuri. soseaua se termina unde incepea Gradina. orice urma de civilizatie inceta,singur doar zgomotul alb produs de centrala de gaze din vecinatate ne arata ca suntem in spatiu urban.
At the begining. the road stops where the garden begins. any trace of civilisation perished, only the white noise of the gas station nearby shows we're in urban space.
Harta catre locatie
Link to the map
Intrarea principala. singura frontiera este cadrul. nu e nici un fel de ingradire.
Main entrance. photo board is the only frontier.there's no barrier.
Inca e vara, pietrele calde incalzesc soparlele reci.
Still summer, warm stones for the cold lizards
Aici va fi o galerie de arta & atelier artivist.
Here it will be an art gallery & artivist workshop
Featuring sculpturi ceramice pentru gradina & un smochin pierdut in iarba.
Featuring garden ceramic sculptures & a fig tree lost in the twitch-grass(Elymus repens)
O floare de sipica,pe drumul inspre gradina, campu-i plin
A Scabiosa atropurpurea flower - on the road to the garden,the field is full with