La inceputuri. soseaua se termina unde incepea Gradina. orice urma de civilizatie inceta,singur doar zgomotul alb produs de centrala de gaze din vecinatate ne arata ca suntem in spatiu urban. /// At the begining. the road stops where the garden begins. any trace of civilisation perished, only the white noise of the gas station nearby shows we're in urban space. | Harta catre locatie /// Link to the map |
Intrarea principala. singura frontiera este cadrul. nu e nici un fel de ingradire. /// Main entrance. photo board is the only frontier.there's no barrier. |
Inca e vara, pietrele calde incalzesc soparlele reci. /// Still summer, warm stones for the cold lizards |
Aici va fi o galerie de arta & atelier artivist. /// Here it will be an art gallery & artivist workshop |
Featuring sculpturi ceramice pentru gradina & un smochin pierdut in iarba. /// Featuring garden ceramic sculptures & a fig tree lost in the twitch-grass(Elymus repens) |
O floare de sipica,pe drumul inspre gradina, campu-i plin /// A Scabiosa atropurpurea flower - on the road to the garden,the field is full with |
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