un agris(ribes uva-crispa) |
un cocaz negru(ribes nigrum) |
Cires Germersdorf in primul an de rod(al3-lea de la plantare) /// Germersdorf cherry tree first year to make cherries (3rd year from planting) |
Rosii prunisoare galbene si rosii cherry luate de pe seminte libere /// Goden plums heirloom tomatoes and cherry tomatoes from free seeds group |
Bob(Vicia faba), ruda cu fasolea care fixeaza in pamant azotul din aer. /// Vicia faba, good for fixing the nitrogen from air into the soil |
In loc de gard, un rand de zmeuri. /// Instead of fence, a row of Rubus idaeus |
Keyhole garden facut de niste voluntari minunati si topinambur /// Keyhole garden made by some wonderfull volunteers and topinambours(Helianthus tuberosus) |
Si doi goji, care pana in prezent s-au dovedit foarte rezistenti la invazia de pir din gradina /// And two Lycium barbarum wich proved pretty resistant to the couch grass invasion of the garden. |
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