luni, 22 aprilie 2024

Saptamana Verde @ Scoala 116

 Astazi a fost o zi ploioasa de primavara si cu totii stim ce inseamna apa in gradina: abundenta!!! 

Coordonati de dna.inv.Puiduc copiii de la clasa pregatitoare Scoala 116 au venit sa exploreze ce inseamna "verde" : activitati didactice cu materiale naturale, principii de design in permacultura, transplantare de rasaduri, intalnirea cu plantele aromatice, aprins focul cu lemne, joaca in aer liber

duminică, 21 aprilie 2024

Flower Power

 Proiectul Flower Power este o colaborare intre Gradina din Gura Siriului si Asociatia CPDIS, un proiect de Cooperare de scala mica co-finantat de Erasmus+

Activitatea a facut parte din vizita de studiu dintre partenerii de proiect din Romania, Slovacia si Polonia si in cadrul acesteia ne-am impartit in 3 echipe si am gatit, am finalizat structura magaziei, am re-imprejmuit gradina in gaura de cheie cu impletitura de nuiele si am povestit despre gradinile urbane comunitare, mult mai populare in alte tari din UE decat la noi, de fapt cativa dintre cei prezenti fiind chiar angajati in structuri administrative locale ce se ocupa cu gestionarea gradinilor comunitare.

miercuri, 16 martie 2022

DIY Compost station

Am inceput sa compostam la inceputul proiectului, in anul 2013 cand am pus la punct gradina in gaura de cheie de mai jos insa cu timpul am tot adus modificari datorita:  cererii tot mai mari pentru compostare a comunitatii, cresterea gradului de urbanizare locala.

Asadar am inceput cu un keyhole garden(wiki link) apoi in 2019 am continuat cu amenajarea unei zone mai generoase de compostare construita din paleti in urma cererii tot mai mari pentru preluare.

In 2020, datorita  urbanizarii si popularii zonei , am regandit total zona de compostare astfel incat sa fie accesibila si mult mai igienica (eliminand rozatoarele care ajutau la descompunerea compostului insa nu erau dezirabile in noul context) prin amplasarea butoaie de plastic cu diferite grade de comunicare cu aerul pentru a asigura descompunerea aeroba ( avantaje: lipsa agentilor patogeni datorita caldurii rezultate in proces, cel mai scazut grad de poluare olfactiva si generare de gaze toxice). 

In prezent preluam compost in butoaiele din fata gradinii si va rugam sa respectati infograficele afisate pentru a evita contaminarea compostului. 

Pentru mai multe detalii despre compost si colectarea compostului ne puteti gasi pe FB.


We started collecting compost since the beggining of our project, in 2013 when we raised the keyhole garden pictured bellow but as time passed we have been continuously modified our compost area design because: the number of collecting requests grew and also the urbanisation degree grew.

So we started with a keyhole garden then in 2019 we continued with making one more open area from recycled pallets as the request for composting grew.

In 2020 another change made us rethink all our composting strategy: the sudden urban growth of the area. So the new composting area nedeed to be more accesible and more hygienic (the rodents that helped decomposing the compost were not desirable in the new context) by setting up plastic barels (reused) with different levels of air transfer to assure the aerobic decomposition (pros: the lack of pathogen agents due to the heat resulted in the process, the lowest olfactory and toxic gases pollution).

Nowadays we are collecting compost in the barrels in front of the garden and we kindly ask to read the infographics so we can avoid compost contamination.

For more details about compost and collecting you can find us on FB.

2018 Gradina in gaura de cheie // Keyhole Garden

2020 Straturi inaltate fertilizate cu compost // Raised beds fertilised with compost
2021 Zona de compostare facuta din paleti -reamenajare  //  Compost area made with pallets - rehabilitation
2021 Infografice pentru zona de colectat compost // Infographics for the collective compost area
2021 Cercetand variabilele compostarii // Researching composting variables

2021 deasupra compostului se arunca un strat de material bogat in carbon (rumegus,frunze,hartie tocata etc) pentru a pastra un bun raport de azot -carbon // above the compost is layered a rich carbon material (sawdust, leaves, shredded paper etc) for keeping a good nitrogen - carbon ratio

2021 soparla-reper pentru zona de compostare // the lizard marking the compost area

marți, 3 noiembrie 2020

School in the Garden

  As the pandemic closed the schools and kindergartens here in Romania, as a strictly administrative decision, we thought of re-creating a space were children could meet, play and learn, in the safe frame of a community. So this is how our "School in the garden" project started, september 2020. Below are some outdoor activity ideas for the autumn season that we tried and we had a good feedback from the children engaged. 

First we learned about bees and polinators reading  "Bee and me" by Alison Jay and playing with a beautiful puzzle made by Stuka Puka that describes the component parts of a bee. We also got to see bees at work in our neighbour's hives. 

Another activity was collecting seeds from a huge cucumber and a small pumpkin . We compared seeds, let them dry, we discussed about storing the seeds and after, some eager participants also wanted to plant them right away. 

In another sunny autumn day we set up an activity based on the book "A year around the great oak" by Gerda Muller but we also used my favourite "The book of Trees" by Piotr Socha & Wojciech Grajkowski . 

During this interdisciplinary activity started with a lecture from the first book mentioned above (stories are a great start to discover children's vectors of interest as they usually ignite a swarm of questions)  we also set up a nut hunt under the nut trees in the garden , we ate nuts , we started an ethical discussion with our neighbour that was just cutting down some trees so he could build a fence and  we discovered the age of the trees that were freshly cut down using the method of counting the rings in the cross-section of trunk. The most funny part of the activity was the moment when i was speaking of the need for diversity and nature thriving against industrial cutting because of the climate change derived from that (yes, a tree can change a water course as i discovered this year in a forest were a spring got dry after a shepherd cut down the great tree above, that called the spring's water with his majestic roots) while in the background my neighbour started a symphony of chainsaws. Of course i didn't even notice, so wrapped up in my speech, good luck there were some close ones that could manage gathering data through all their senses. So we always learn, no matter how young or old we are, and this is the healthy way it was and should be.

sâmbătă, 23 iunie 2018

OFF GRID///Atelier practic

In contextul in care bransarea si tarifele ENEL, EON devin din ce in ce mai costisitoare, in contextul in care ai o locatie care nu intruneste standardele pentru contractare (extravilan&temporar, in miscare, etc.) sau pur si simplu in contextul in care nu doresti sa investesti pentru a te abona la platit facturi, ai optiunea de a deveni independent energetic.

Atelierul este practic: vom construi un sistem solar cu Adrian Andronache care administreaza grupul Energie pentru casa ta, pe care l-am invitat sa ne ofere cateva informatii basic pentru a porni la drum si a avea curent electric permanent, off-grid.
Alt avantaj la acest tip de sistem este ca iti permite sa fii mobil: sa il montezi pe rulota,pe masina,pe cort sau pe rucsac; sau sa te muti si sa il iei cu tine, investitia fiind aproape complet amortizata astfel.

Participarea la atelier este 50ron. Pentru cei care doresc sa participe dar nu beneficiaza de resursa financiara, va invitam sa ne scrieti intr-un mesaj ce alta contributie puteti aduce ( valoarea nu e neaparat financiara ;-)

Gradina din Gura Siriului este o initiativa independenta, participativa, comunitara care are ca scop educatia in spiritul grijii fata de pamant, fata de oameni si schimb echitabil.

Mai multe detalii in curand!

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Montarea panourilor
Blocul de monitorizare pentru baterii tip LiFePO4. consum propriu 10uA, tensiune LVD 2.75V reglabil +/-0.2V , tensiune HVD 3,5V reglabil +/-0.15V, iesiri 50uA fail-safe, egalizare cu 0.5A

luni, 2 octombrie 2017

Testam testul

Țestul pentru paine este gata. Ardem de nerăbdare să îl încercăm.
Așadar vom face pâine coaptă pe frunze de nuc pe care o vom gusta cu alte bunătăți homemade (humus, salată, tort kids friendly) într-o manieră lentă, naturală, pentru a sărbători începutul noului sezon din gradină: cel de repaos si regenerare, pentru a sărbători recolta de peste an și a mulțumi grădinii care a hrănit cu roadele sale pe cei care au intrat in contact cu ea.
Apreciem dacă puteți ajuta la diseminarea evenimentului (the more the merrier), și încurajăm participarea activă: facem focul împreună, frământăm aluat, etc.
Pentru detalii ne gasim pe Facebook:

The kiln is ready and we are anxious to test it. So we planned to make bread baked on walnut leaves (and taste it at a food party where we will also bring hummus, salad, child friendly cake) in a slow, natural way, to celebrate the begining of the new gardening season: the hibernation and regeneration of the nature, to celebrate the crop we harvest over the year.
We apreciate if you could share the event and we encourage active presence: making fire, dough kneading,etc.

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Fata ascunsa @ NAG2016

Fata ascunsa este un proiect vizual despre depresie, demarat de Cinty Ionescu dupa ce a trait ea insasi un episod, a decis sa sparga tacerea din jurul neplacerii de a discuta despre realitati cotidiene pe care le tinem sub pres documentand atat cazul ei cat si al altor persoane care sufereau de aceasta afectiune. Mai multe la eveniment!
Cum a fost: