Din 2016 Gradina din Gura Siriului s-a imbogatit cu o carare numai buna de mers descult: o poteca senzoriala. Am facut claca pentru construirea ei, dupa ce
Work at Home Moms Romania a finantat costul materialelor.
Mai jos este link la eveniment, util pentru chat si detalii.
Since 2016 our Garden was enriched with a footpath just perfect for barefoot walks : a sensory path. We created an workshop for building it, after
Work at Home Moms NGO funded the materials.
Above is a link to the event, useful for live chat and details.
Schita de proiect - amplasare si umplutura /// Project sketch - layout and filling |
Schita de proiect - materiale necesare si tipuri de umplutura /// Project sketch - materials and fillings |
Dupa ce am pus pe pamant un strat de saci de iuta(corchorus olitorius) reciclati de la Strauss Romania, ca bariera contra buruienilor, am inceput constructia ramei. /// After a layer of nalta jute bags, recycled from Strauss Romania, laid on earth as a weed stopper, we started building the frame |
La claca au fost participanti de toate varstele /// At the workshop there were all ages participants |
Rama finalizata include 10 casete senzoriale///The finished frame contains 10 sensory casettes |
Umpland casetele cu diverse materiale : ceramica, tocatura de lemn,nisip,fan,pietricele,scoici,crengi /// Filling up the casettes with various materials: ceramics,wood chips, sand, pebbles, hay, seashells,branches |
testand gradina senzoriala - mereu amuzant si sanatos /// Testing the sensory garden - always fun and healthy |
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