Am inceput sa compostam la inceputul proiectului, in anul 2013 cand am pus la punct gradina in gaura de cheie de mai jos insa cu timpul am tot adus modificari datorita: cererii tot mai mari pentru compostare a comunitatii, cresterea gradului de urbanizare locala.
Asadar am inceput cu un keyhole garden(wiki link) apoi in 2019 am continuat cu amenajarea unei zone mai generoase de compostare construita din paleti in urma cererii tot mai mari pentru preluare.
In 2020, datorita urbanizarii si popularii zonei , am regandit total zona de compostare astfel incat sa fie accesibila si mult mai igienica (eliminand rozatoarele care ajutau la descompunerea compostului insa nu erau dezirabile in noul context) prin amplasarea butoaie de plastic cu diferite grade de comunicare cu aerul pentru a asigura descompunerea aeroba ( avantaje: lipsa agentilor patogeni datorita caldurii rezultate in proces, cel mai scazut grad de poluare olfactiva si generare de gaze toxice).
In prezent preluam compost in butoaiele din fata gradinii si va rugam sa respectati infograficele afisate pentru a evita contaminarea compostului.
Pentru mai multe detalii despre compost si colectarea compostului ne puteti gasi pe FB.
We started collecting compost since the beggining of our project, in 2013 when we raised the keyhole garden pictured bellow but as time passed we have been continuously modified our compost area design because: the number of collecting requests grew and also the urbanisation degree grew.
So we started with a keyhole garden then in 2019 we continued with making one more open area from recycled pallets as the request for composting grew.
In 2020 another change made us rethink all our composting strategy: the sudden urban growth of the area. So the new composting area nedeed to be more accesible and more hygienic (the rodents that helped decomposing the compost were not desirable in the new context) by setting up plastic barels (reused) with different levels of air transfer to assure the aerobic decomposition (pros: the lack of pathogen agents due to the heat resulted in the process, the lowest olfactory and toxic gases pollution).
Nowadays we are collecting compost in the barrels in front of the garden and we kindly ask to read the infographics so we can avoid compost contamination.
For more details about compost and collecting you can find us on FB.
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2020 Straturi inaltate fertilizate cu compost // Raised beds fertilised with compost |
2021 Zona de compostare facuta din paleti -reamenajare // Compost area made with pallets - rehabilitation |
2021 Infografice pentru zona de colectat compost // Infographics for the collective compost area |
2021 Cercetand variabilele compostarii // Researching composting variables |
2021 soparla-reper pentru zona de compostare // the lizard marking the compost area |