marți, 15 august 2017

Atelier deschis de făcut un țest de pâine,pizza&more

Planificam de mult timp sa mancam paine coapta la test pe frunze de nuc. Asa ca am strans materialele necesare si saptamana viitoare vom face un test de paine, pe modelul oltenesc.

Ce se intampla:
Preparam lutul : il calcam bine in picioarele goale
Pregatim matrita: structura testului si forma sa interioara
Modelam si decoram testul: batem lutul pe matrita, il netezim si il personalizam
Daca veniti cu copiii, distractia lor e garantata cel putin la prima sesiune, recomandam sa le aduceti haine de schimb!

We're planning for a long time to taste some fresh bread baked on wallnut leaves. So we gathered materials and next weekend we will make a bread kiln, in southRomanian style (Oltenia area)

What's going to happen:
Prepairing the mud : we are going to mix it with our naked feet
Making the mold: structuring the kiln and the interior shape
Modelling and decorating the kiln: shaping the kiln on the mould and freely decorating it
If you come with your children, their fun is guaranteed by the first stage, but we recommend to bring exchange clothes :-)

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