miercuri, 10 iunie 2015


19 iunie 2015 ora 12:00. Eliberare(happening - act show)
Iepurele este simbolul creativitatii materializate: agil,prolific in acelasi timp precaut,dependent. In captivitate, iepurii se ataseaza de stapanii lor. In libertate nu pot fi prinsi decat de vanatori iscusiti. Dar aici exista o sansa: sansa de a nu fi prins, devorat, integrat. In captivitate, sansa dispare. Daca as fi iepure, ce alternativa as alege? As vrea sa ajung tocanita, sa ma plimbe J.Beuys printr-o galerie explicandu-mi arta sau as vrea sa alerg liber, reproducandu-ma la intamplare si hranindu-ma la alegere, simtindu-ma viu cand fug de-mi sar picioarele atunci cand ma urmareste vreun pericol. Ca iepure viu, as alege ultima varianta.
Albul este simbolul cununiei si al mortii, privit holistic, nu e greu de stabilit o paralela intre simbolismul vestic si cel estic: albul este culoarea pacii generata de armonia absoluta generata de prezenta tuturor culorilor.Mai mult: este lumina. informatie. libertate cu sens pozitiv: aleg sa fiu.
  O actiune cathartica. O imagine - act . Fiecare participant este eliberator. Schimbarea incepe cu mine pentru ca eu fac sistemul. fapte nu vorbe.O micuta cutie intr-un server gigantic a fost deschisa : era goala. doar un miros,lipseau de pe lista doi iepuri albi, o frantura de cod, eliberata in imaginarul colectiv a inceput sa fie schimbarea: lupta de re-conectare cu natura de a fi liber. Iar asta va fi tot ce a ramas. Mai departe nu se stie, nu se scrie pe hartie, altfel cum va fi sa fie?

19 june 2015 12:00 am. Liberation(happening- act show)
The rabbit is the symbol of materialsed creativity: agile, prolific, in the same time cautious, dependent. In captivity rabbits attaches to their owners. In freedom they will be caught only by skilful hunters. But here there's a chance: the chance not to be caught,devoured,integrated. In captivity this chance disappears. If i would be a rabbit, what choice i would make?Shall i become a stew, shall i walk dead with J.Beuys explaining me what art is about or shall i run free, mating at chance and feeding at choice, feeling free when i run my feet out when a danger follows me. As a live rabbit i shall choose the last option.
Withe is the symbol of marriage and death, from a holistic perspective ain't hard to draw a line between the european symbolism and the asian one: white means peace generated by the absolute harmony generated by the presence of all colors.More: is light. Is information. freedom with an positive vector: i choose to be.A cathartic action.An image -act. Every partaker  is a liberator.The change starts with me because i make the system. fact not talk. A small box in a gigantic server had been opened:it was empty. only the smell, two white rabbits were missing, a piece of code, liberated in the collective imaginary started to be the change: fighting to re-connect to the nature of being free. And that's all that will be left. We can't know any further, beyond the tasks of humble writer, otherwise how it will happen?